Benefits of Forever Aloe Vera Gel
Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel
Forever Living Products Aloe Vera Gel
Benefits of Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has FIVE UNIQUE BENEFITS to the human body- PENETRATION – Aloe reaches the deepest body tissue some seven layers deep
- ANTISEPTIC- It has six antiseptic agents which kill bacteria, viruses, and fungus
- STIMULATES CELL GROWTH – Stimulates the birth of new healthy cell tissues
- SEETLES NERVES – Calming effect on the body’s nervous system
- CLEANSES – Detoxifies and normalizes the body’s metabolism
The gel-like substance in Aloe Vera is known to be an antidote for:
- Burns, Ulcers, Cuts, Bruises, Stings ,and Bites
- Bowel disorders such as Colitis, Diverticulitis, and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
- Skin problems such as Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne, and Dermatitis
- Other complaints such as digestive problems and disordered immune system-arthritis,asthma,“ME” (post viral fatigue syndrome) and “IE” (lupus)
- is an adaptogen. It adapts to the body’s needs promoting regenerative processes which means it can be used for conflicting conditions such as diarrhea and constipation.
- is safe, non toxic and offers no known side effects.
- basically is just a juice, hence there is no risk of “overdose”.
- can be taken internally or applied topically.
- is a anti-pyretic; it reduces heat and sores.
- is a anti-inflammatory; it reduces swelling.
- is a anti-pruritic; it stops itching.
- fungicidal; it combats fungus.bactericidal; it acts as a strong anti-biotic destroying bacteria even when diluted.
- Skin disorders,
- Arthritis,
- Asthma,
- Bowel dysfunction,
- Cramps,
- Colon cleansing,
- Candida,
- Diabetes,
- Digestive disorders,
- Energy increase,
- Herpes,
- Heartburn,
- Hypertension,
- Hemorroids,
- Insomnia,
- Indigestion,
- Nerves,
- Overweight,
- Pain relief,Rashes,
- Shingles,
- Stomach disorders,
- Tiredness,
- Tension,
- Throat infection,
- Ulcers,
- Viruses and more.
Stay Healthy,
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