
Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Benefits Of Forever Freedom

Benefits Of Forever Freedom 

Benefits of Forever Freedom

Forever Freedom has combined Aloe Vera with substances that are helpful for the maintenance of proper joint function and mobility in a tasty, orange-flavored juice formula.

We've taken Glucosamine Sulfate and Chondroitin Sulfate - two naturally occurring elements that have been shown to help maintain healthy joint function and mobility - and married them with our stabilized Aloe Vera gel. To this, we've added vitamin C and MSM, a primary source of bio-available sulfur the body needs to maintain healthy connective tissues and joint function.

Glucosamine Sulfate and Chondroitin Sulfate are natural substances that help maintain the structure and health of cartilage, keeping this natural "shock absorber" well hydrated. They also help keep the lubricating fluid within the joint at the necessary viscosity to allow one surface to glide freely over another. As the body ages, it is less able to produce these natural elements of healthy cartilage which can then lead to "wear and tear" on the joints.

Forever Freedom provides the usually recommended amounts of Glucosamine Sulfate (1500mg), Chondroitin Sulfate (1200mg) plus 750mg of MSM and 250g of Vitamin C per 4oz serving. When combined, G.S., C.S.,Vitamin C and MSM provide the first line of defense against deterioration.

Potential Benefits:
helps prevent the wear and tear on the joints and their further inflammation
Protects against damage to cartilage

Promotes formation of new healthy cartilage
Ingredients know to relive the symptoms of arthritis and muscular rheumatism
Safely combines with conventional drugs
Powerful and fast acting
Suitable for those suffering from joint inflammation, also sports people wishing to prevent wear and tear.

Benefits of Forever Freedom

Key Ingredients have been shown to:

  • Relive pain 
  • Reduce inflammation 
  • Restore mobility 
Glucosamine Sulphate
A natural component of cartilage. It can be proved that oral Glucosamine definitely finds its way into joint cartilage. It is safe and very powerful in that research has shown that 1500mg of Glucosamine Sulphate (found in one 120ml serving of Forever Freedom) is equivalent in pain killing terms to 1200mg (the recommended daily amount) of Ibuprofen the popular NSAID (NON Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug)

Chondroitin Sulphate
Again a naturally occurring substance in cartilage that forms its matrix and so works in combination with Glucosamine to make this healthy and strong shock absorber. Chondroitin also helps maintain the viscosity of the synovial fluid in the joint so it works like thick oil in an engine preventing the moving parts from being ground down by each other.

MSM (Methylsulphonylmethane)
This naturally occurring sulphur compound is found in every cell in the body and is necessary for the manufacture of proteins. Alone, it is a strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory and has been used for many years in successfully treating injured horses.

Benefits of Forever Freedom

You don't have to suffer from joint problems to benefit from Forever Freedom. Anyone can drink this: athletes worried about recovery times; footballers who train every week and need to protect their joints from wear and tear; also cyclists, hikers, skiers, joggers: in fact anyone who wishes to maintain healthy joint function and mobility. 


Forever Freedom
$32.72=  5,235

Prices Outside Nigeria Are Either

Benefits of Forever Fab Energy Drink

Benefits of Forever Fab Energy Drink

Forever FAB Energy Drink.

Forever Fab Energy Drink

We all know how exhausting it can be living an active, busy lifestyle – from job deadlines  and school pickups to soccer practice, grocery shopping and household chores. How can  anyone have enough energy for that all the time? FLP has found a solution to help pick you  up when your needle is on ‘empty’ – FAB Forever Active Boost™ Energy Drink.

FAB’s “boost” is different from other energy drinks because it gives you both immediate and long-term energy. The immediate boost comes from guarana, a natural ingredient that is very popular in Brazil, while the long-term energy is powered by ADX7 technology: a proprietary  blend of adaptogenic herbs and other nutritionals developed by a leading Russian sports  scientist and researcher. ADX7 has helped Russian track and field athletes win over 130  medals in Olympic competition!

FAB is a quick, refreshing way to stay energized and alert all day long. And it revitalizes  you so you have the endurance and concentration to do all the things you have to do,  plus the things you want to do.

Guarana provides a natural boost  Powered by a proprietary blend of adaptogenic herbs

One to three cans per day. Shake gently. Serve chilled.
Not recommended for children or pregnant women. Consult doctor before using if you  have a medical condition.

Potential Benefits of Forever Fab:

1.Contains Vitamin B5

How Vitamins B5 suppresses Acne
For the past few decades, hormones and diet have received most of the blame for acne. However, Lit-Hung Leung, M.D has challenged this belief with a proposal that a deficiency of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is really the cause of both adult and teen acne. This claim is supported by an experiment in which 100 male and female acne sufferers took a vitamin B5 supplement (10g/day) and also applied vitamin B5 (20%) directly to their faces. All subjects had less oily skin within 2-3 weeks and drastically improved acne by 8 weeks.

While you wouldn't want to take mega-doses of vitamin B5 without direct supervision by a doctor, Forever Living offers several products to help you increase your vitamin B5 levels. An added plus of Vitamin B5 is its ability to aid in weight loss by helping you metabolize fat and cholesterol and shed toxins stored in your fat.  Are you getting enough B5 in your life?

Forever Fab Containing Vitamin B5 & Other B Vitamins

FAB Forever Active Boost – My personal favorite; I was having a bout of adult acne when this great product came out. My acne vanished a few weeks after I started daily use of this energy drink. I thought it was a mere coincidence, but now I believe my acne was cured by the B vitamins in FAB.

Another great thing about FAB is that it contains B3, B5, B6, and B12 which helps you avoid imbalance.

2.Promotes long term energy with no side effects

FAB Forever Active Boost is one of the top natural energy drink s provides you with the quick energy that you need, but also provides you with sustained energy that will last you the whole day.  What’s more it is a natural product.  No chemicals, no artificial colors or flavors, and no artificial quick pick me ups.  It is all natural.

The product uses guarana to provide you with a very quick energy boost.  This is what will get you on your toes when you need energy.  The long term energy comes from a well developed ADX7 technology which mixes a proprietary blend of nutrients and several adaptogenic herbs to ensure that you have long term energy.  If you have heard of ADX7, then you may recall that it has helped Russian athletes to earn over 130 medals in Olympic competition.

While there are many benefits to the natural energy drink  FAB Forever Active Boost, we must admit that we like the natural component the best.  Some of the products on the market are not well tested, have harmful chemicals and can be bad for your health, especially if you consume large quantities.  Definitely something to be wary off.

The amount of FAB you should consume will depend on how hectic your day is.  Some people only need one can a day, other people need up to three to keep up with their very demanding lifestyles.  The choice is ultimately yours.  Of course if you have a medical condition, then it is always worth checking with your Doctor before you start having large amounts.  This doesn’t just go for FAB Forever Active Boost, it goes for any product natural or artificial that you plan on consuming a lot off.

Benefits of Forever Aloe Vera Gel

Benefits of Forever Aloe Vera Gel

Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel

Flp Aloe Vera Gel

Forever Living Products Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe is a natural healer that balances the immune system and acts as natural anti-inflammatory. Favored by people with arthritis, skin complaints and digestive / bowel disorders. Contains over 75 nutritional compounds including 20 minerals, 18 Amino acids, and 12 vitamins.Use as a daily nutritional tonic for better health and well being. The miraculous aloe leaf has been found to contain over 200 different compounds. It’s the closest thing to drinking aloe straight from the leaf!

Benefits of Aloe Vera 
Aloe Vera has FIVE UNIQUE BENEFITS to the human body
  •  PENETRATION – Aloe reaches the deepest body tissue some seven layers deep
  •  ANTISEPTIC- It has six antiseptic agents which kill bacteria, viruses, and fungus
  •  STIMULATES CELL GROWTH – Stimulates the birth of new healthy cell tissues
  •  SEETLES NERVES – Calming effect on the body’s nervous system
  •  CLEANSES – Detoxifies and normalizes the body’s metabolism

 The gel-like substance in Aloe Vera is known to be an antidote for:
  •  Burns, Ulcers, Cuts, Bruises, Stings ,and Bites
  •  Bowel disorders such as Colitis, Diverticulitis, and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
  •  Skin problems such as Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne, and Dermatitis
  • Other complaints such as digestive problems and disordered immune system-arthritis,asthma,“ME” (post viral fatigue syndrome) and “IE” (lupus)
Aloe Vera:
  •  is an adaptogen. It adapts to the body’s needs promoting regenerative processes which means it can be used for conflicting conditions such as diarrhea and constipation.
  •  is safe, non toxic and offers no known side effects.
  •  basically is just a juice, hence there is no risk of “overdose”.
  • can be taken internally or applied topically.
  •  is a anti-pyretic; it reduces heat and sores.
  •  is a anti-inflammatory; it reduces swelling.
  •  is a anti-pruritic; it stops itching.
  •  fungicidal; it combats fungus.bactericidal; it acts as a strong anti-biotic destroying bacteria even when diluted.
Other Benefits:

  1. Skin disorders,
  2. Arthritis,
  3. Asthma,
  4. Bowel dysfunction,
  5. Cramps,
  6. Colon cleansing, 
  7. Candida,
  8. Diabetes,
  9. Digestive disorders,
  10. Energy increase,
  11. Herpes,
  12. Heartburn,
  13. Hypertension,
  14. Hemorroids,
  15. Insomnia,
  16. Indigestion,
  17. Nerves,
  18. Overweight, 
  19. Pain relief,Rashes,
  20. Shingles,
  21. Stomach disorders,
  22. Tiredness,
  23. Tension,
  24. Throat infection,
  25. Ulcers,
  26. Viruses and more.

Stay Healthy,

Lose Weight Naturally with Clean 9 Pak

Lose Weight Naturally with Clean 9 Pak

How to Lose Weight Naturally with Forever Clean 9 Pak 
Forever Clean 9 Pack

Studies show that quality of life can improve with as little as a 5 to 10 pound weight loss.Many health issues, such as diabetes, cancer, and sleep apnea can be improved by losing weight.

Lose Weight Naturally with Clean 9 Pak

To address this serious public health issue, Forever Living Products development team discovered that when a regimen is aimed at reducing fat and carbohydrates, it not only promotes weight loss, but also helps the body maintain healthy levels for blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides, which contribute to a healthy cardiovascular system.

The Company decided to pursue a plan that improved overall health while at the same time dropping excess weight. This meant not using drugs or questionable stimulants such as caffeine.

The result included a family of products which, when used as directed, will not only aid in losing unwanted pounds but promote optimal health as well. They are safe, effective, convenient and simple to use.

Lose Weight Naturally with Clean 9 Pak

Forever Clean 9 cleanses the body of unnatural chemicals to kick start a cleaner, healthier lifestyle.

Clean 9 includes: 

Lose Weight Naturally with Clean 9 Pak

Forever Aloe Vera Gel (3), Forever Lite Ultra with Aminotein (1), Forever Garcinia Plus (1), Forever Bee Pollen (1),  a shaker, tape measure and English or Spanish literature.

1. Jonathan Spencer
Ever since I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 14, I have found it incredibly difficult to deal with my intake of food and over the years the weight just piled on. I guess you could call it a classic case of being in denial, but I reached the tipping point of 22 stone when I decided that enough was enough and I didn't want to reach my 30th birthday as "the fat guy". 

I decided to take drastic measures and as I had been hearing fantastic things about Forever Living and the Clean 9 programme, on December 4th 2011 I bit the bullet and started the Clean 9 programme. 

I followed the plan exactly to the letter (whilst also maintaining my blood sugars every hour). It was the hardest thing I have ever done, yet the most rewarding, as during those 9 days alone I lost almost 2 stone in weight. 

I felt absolutely fantastic and proceeded to carry this on with the Nutri-lean programme for the following 3-4 months. This culminated in me losing even more weight where I got down to 14 and a half stone, so a total of 7.5 stone lost in 4 months. The before shot was taken on a holiday in Australia and the after shot was taken right when I got down to the weight I am today. 

People still don't recognise me. I am over the moon with my achievement and hope I can be an inspiration to others. As someone who has diabetes, every single day is a challenge, but the Clean 9 and Nutri-lean programmes by Forever Living saved my  life and got me back into health and fitness.

2. Michaela Knight

I lost 8 lbs using clean 9. and 8 1/2cm waist/hips/thighs combined. Felt great too. 

3. Maritza Portilla 

4.  Leonela Ochoa

5.  Vivian Portilla

Clean 9 is great on its own as a one-off detox because it works. Clean 9 is equally valuable as a precursor to the Forever Nutri-lean program which is a longer and more intense weight-loss programme. A lot of people start off with the Clean 9 pack; then when they've seen the benefits for themselves, move on to the Nutri-Lean programme

Related Weight loss products

$145.29 OR ₦ 23,246.00
Prices outside Nigeria are either a little less or high due 
to VAT Charges. 

Benefits Of Forever Arctic Sea

Benefits Of Forever Arctic Sea 

The Critical Omega-3:Omega-6 Balance

omega 3 and omega 6 lowers blood pressure

There is an important balance that most people do not fully understand when it comes to Omegas. Historically, nutritionally balanced diets contained a healthy ratio of Omegas as 1:1 up to 1:4 DHA:EPA. Unfortunately, many diets include unhealthy levels of Omega-6’s which are traditionally derived from fried foods, vegetable oils, fake butter products, grain-fed animal fat and other modern convenience and processed foods. 

benefits of forever artic sea

In addition, many diets are low in fish and Omega-3 consumption, which creates an unhealthy ratio of Omega-6: Omega-3 as high as 30:1! The key to getting back to a healthy ratio of DHA:EPA is increasing Omega-3 consumption and reducing Omega-6 intake.

Benefits of Forever Arctic Sea
Forever Arctic Sea

New and improved Forever Arctic Sea® now contains a proprietary blend of DHA-rich Calamari Oil, ultra-pure Omega-3 Fish Oil and High Oleic Olive Oil. This unique blend is exclusive to Forever Living and provides not only 33% more DHA per day, but creates the perfect balance of DHA and EPA for optimal health and wellness.

12 Reasons for Taking Forever Arctic Sea

1. Unique Ingredient formula
Forever Artic Sea‘s ingredient profile is like no other, and now includes calamari oil, a superior source of Omega-3 fatty acids.

2. From the leader in Nutritional Products
Forever Living products has long been at the forefront of the nutritional industry, with its products regularly recognized for quality, purity and performance. Forever Artic Sea is following in this tradition

3. Forever Artic Sea Optimizes Essential Fatty Acids
Balance. In today’s world, it is often difficult to consume optimal amounts of essential fatty acids. Forever Artic Sea now makes that easy, delivering 33% more DHA and also providing balance of DHA and EPA fatty acids.

4. Supported by Science
Thousands of studies prove the benefits of increasing consumption of fish oils and other rich sources of DHA and EPA.

5. Forever Artic Sea Enhances Cellular Health
Omega-3 fats make up the cellular membrane in cells throughout the body, including the brain, skin, eyes, heart, blood vessels, lungs and joints.

6. Supports Healthy Eyes, Skin and Lungs
All of these organs are comprised of large amounts of essential fatty acids. It is necessary to replenish the body’s supplies of DHA and EPA for optimal function of these vital organs.

7. Forever Artic Sea Promotes Cardiovascular Health
Omega-3 fats are critical for the heart and blood vessels to perform optimally.

8. Supports Brain health, cognitive function and memory
The brain is composed largely of essential fats such as DHA. Forever Artic Sea can support brain function, which also supports memory and overall cognitive function.

9. Forever Artic Sea Supports healthy triglyceride levels
Forever Artic Sea may help normalize triglyceride levels, which affect the health of the heart, blood vessels, brain and more.

10. Forever Artic Sea Helps Optimize healthy digestive, immune, and joint function
Omega-3 fats like those found in Forever Artic Sea are crucial for various body systems, including the gastrointestinal system, immune system and musculoskeletal system (joints and muscles).

11. Linked to Positive Mood/ emotional health
Increased DHA and EPA intake is known to support emotinal health and mood. This is likely due to the positive effect they have on brain function.

12. Forever Artic Sea Supports healthy nervous system function
The body’s nerves are protected by membranes consisting of essential fats like DHA. Forever Artic Sea is loaded with DHA to help support a healthy nervous system.

$28.15 OR ₦ 4,500
Prices outside Nigeria are either a little less or high due VAT charges...

Benefits of Forever Bee Propolis

Benefits of Forever Bee Propolis 

Forever Bee propolis

Forever Bee propolis is a resinous material which is gathered and metabolized by bees from the leaf buds and bark of trees. The bees use propolis to seal up holes and cracks in their hives, and to sterilize the comb before the queen lays her eggs. This hive-cement can neutralize contaminants such as bacteria and viruses and thus protects the bee colony from infections. Propolis works by inactivating the germs, making the inside of a hive the most sterile natural environment.

Propolis is Rich in Nutrients
The full composition of propolis is insufficiently known. However, 34 nutritional compounds have been identified. These include various nutrients which help in metabolism of cells, such as beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B2, B3, C, E, pantothenic acid, strontium, copper, manganese, ferum, calcium, aluminum, vanadium, silicon etc. Its content of bioflavonoids is also very high. More than 50 types of flavonooids have been found in different patterns of propolis. The main beneficial properties of propolis come from its bioflavonoids content, which is 5 times that of citrus fruits. Bioflavonoids are nutrients that can help boost the efficacy of vitamins and can also help to strengthen and improve the absorbability of blood vein capillaries.

Forever Bee Propolis is produced from 100% pure propolis collected from the Sonoran Desert in Arizona, added with honey, royal jelly and natural almond flavoring.

Benefits of Bee Propolis
  • Fight Infections: Bee propolis contains bioflavonoids and other plant compounds that stimulate the body to fight infections.
  • Immune Booster: It helps to stimulate body production of the natural immune factor, interferon and hence, helps to strengthen the body’s immune system.
  • Anti-Inflammation: Inflammation or swelling, redness, pain and general discomfort can be soothed with bee propolis. Bee propolis behaves like aspirin to help block inflammatory conditions like arthritis, eczema or psoriasis.
  • Soothes Allergies: An allergy is an immune reaction which is caused by an allergen such as dust, food, chemicals and so on. Studies have shown that bee propolis may help to contain allergic reaction by sealing those harmful substances that cause allergies.
  • Urinary Tract Infection: UTI is a common infection that occurs more frequently among women. Instead of using antibiotics which can cause a weakening of the immune system, Bee propolis can be used as an alternative to help control the infection without compromising the immune system. Propolis is a gentle natural antibiotic that kills germs by neutralizing and deactivating them.
lowest-price-guarantee+2.png (228×160)

Bee Propolis 
$30.63=  4,900

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A Little Less Or High Due To Vat Charges…

Benefits of Forever Pomesteen Power

Benefits of Forever Pomesteen Power

Forever Pomesteen Power

There's no disputing the fact that antioxidants are extremely vital to our health and well-being. There is, however, much discussion today among nutritionists as to  which fruit is the most powerful antioxidant, or which contains the most Xanthones or has the highest ORAC value rating.

Forever Pomesteen Power has them all with a proprietary blend of fruit juices and extracts, including Pomegranate, Pear, Mangosteen, Raspberry, Blackberry, Blueberry and Grape Seed. ORAC value (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) is an indicator of how well an antioxidant inhibits free radical damage. The ORAC value of fruits can  vary greatly, even when testing the same fruit at different times after harvesting.

What is important to know is that all of the ingredients of Forever Pomesteen Power are near the top of the list in ORAC value, especially Pomegranate and Mangosteen fruit. Pomegranate juice has more polyphenol antioxidants than red wine, green tea, cranberry juice and orange juice. In addition, it is a good source of 
Vitamins A, C, E and the mineral Iron.

Mangosteen is a popular fruit in Asia. Its exquisite taste prompted Queen Victoria to declare it her favorite fruit, henceforth it has been referred to as
the "Queen of Fruits!" Its ORAC value is very high, and it is rich in  beneficial Xanthones.

Xanthones are a family of naturally occurring nutritional compounds in fruits that are super powerful antioxidants. Experience the incredible power of antioxidants
 from Pomegranate, Mangosteen, and other exotic fruits with Forever Pomesteen Power!

All the ingredients of Forever Pomesteen Power are near the top of the list in ORAC value.

Potential  Benefits:
These Blend Of Fruit Juices And Extracts Include:

1. Mangosteen -
It contains xanthones which are phytonutrients known to have a strong antioxidant activity against free radicals.

Health Benefits Of Mangosteen
  • Analgesic
  • Anti-allergenic
  • Anti-arthritic
  • Antibiotic
  • Antidepressant
  • Anti-fungal
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antioxidant
  • Antipyretic
  • Anti-viral
Queen Victoria once aptly declared mangosteen as her favorite fruit because of its delicious taste. She must have also appreciated the health benefits of mangosteen.
Since then, it has been referred to as the "Queen of Fruits."

It provides the health benefits of mangosteen, pomegranate, etc.

More Health Benefits Of Mangosteen
  • Energy Booster
  • Helps Lower Blood Sugar Levels
  • Helps You Lose Weight
  • Prevents Cancer
  • Prevents Cataracts
  • Prevents Dementia
  • Prevents Glaucoma
  • Prevents Gum Disease
  • Prevents Hardening of Your Arteries
  • Protects Your Heart
2. Pomegranate Juice -
 It has excellent antioxidant properties. It contains more antioxidants than either green tea or red wine.

Pomegranate Health Benefits:
Studies show that pomegranate juice prevents the formation of cancer cells
  • It may also prevent lung cancer
  • It slows down the growth of prostate cancer cells
  • It prevents osteoarthritis
  • It prevents the build-up of plaque in your arteries
  • It prevents Alzheimer's disease
  • It lowers your bad cholesterol levels
  • It prevents dental plaque formation
  • Its nutrients protect your body from premature aging

Pomegranate Health Benefits to Pregnant Women

Drinking pomegranate juice during pregnancy is very beneficial. According to a study published in May 2012 in the "American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism" they discovered that drinking pomegranate juice during pregnancy may help lower the risk of injury to the placenta. 
Pomegranate Health Benefits to Pregnant Women

The antioxidants in pomegranate juice help prevent and repair damage to the cells of the placenta by free radicals. It may also be helpful in lowering the risk of injury to the baby's brain, according to a study published in "Pediatric Research" in June 2005. 

The high levels of a type of antioxidant called polyphenols in pomegranate juice help minimize a type of brain damage caused by lack of oxygen that sometimes occurs during birth.

3. Blackberry Juice -
It is among the top ten foods that contain antioxidants.

Benefits of Blackberry Juice
  • It fights off environmental carcinogens
  • It contains anthocyanin and ellagic acid which protect your body against cancer
  • It prevents breast cancer
  • It also prevents cervical cancer
  • It relieves intestinal inflammation
  • It strengthens your blood vessels
  • It lowers your bad cholesterool levels
4. Blueberry Juice -
It contains phytochemicals that have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Benefits of Blueberry Juice
  • It prevents eye damage due to retinal degeneration
  • It prevents the proliferation of colon cancer cells
  • It promotes urinary tract health
  • It relieves diarrhea and constipation
  • It promotes the growth of neurons
  • It keeps cell membranes healthy
  • It relaxes your blood vessels, thus, preventing increased blood pressure
5. Pear Fruit Juice -
 It is an excellent source of dietary fiber and vitamin c. It also contains more pectin than apple

Health Benefits of Pear Fruit Juice
  • It is a good laxative because most of its fiber is insoluble
  • It promotes cardiovascular health
  • It is a natural energy booster
  • It lowers your bad cholesterol levels
6. Grape Seed Extract - 
It contains compounds that are beneficial to your heart. It also contains resveratrol which inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

Health Benefits of Grape Seed Extract
  • It improves your night vision
  • It is effective against pancreatitis
  • It protects your blood vessels from damage
  • It prevents cholesterol oxidation and damage to your cardiovascular system if you happen to be a smoker
7. Raspberry Fruit Juice - 
It ranks near the top of all fruits for antioxidant activity due to its concentrated amounts of ellagic acid, quercitin, anthocyanin, cyanidins, catechins, etc.

It is a potent antioxidant source because of its contents. It has an ORAC value of 4900 per 100 grams.

Health Benefits of Raspberry
  • It fights cancer
  • Helps defend against heart disease
  • It is effective against age-related mental decline
All these ingredients make Forever Pomesteen Power a super antioxidant because of its unique blend of fruit juices and the combined health benefits of mangosteen, blackberry, blueberry, pomegranate, pear, raspberry, and grape seed extracts.

The health benefits of mangosteen and pomegranate, and those of the other antioxidant juices plus its exotic flavor, make Forever Pomesteen Power a more enjoyable daily drink.

And so there it is...prevention is the key. The combined health benefits of mangosteen and these other antioxidants help make you develop a healthy body. A pound of it is always worth more than a ton of cure!


Pomesteen Power
$22.94=  3,670

Prices Outside Nigeria Are Either
A Little Less Or High Due To Vat Charges…

20 Best Kept Hair Secrets & Forever Living Products

20 Best Kept Hair Secrets & Forever Living Products
Boost Thin Hair with Silicone

Thin, lifeless hair is one of the most common hair complaints, yet few women know the best remedy. Heavy conditioners just leave hair limp. A better bet is to use products with silicone, such as dimethicone or cyclomethicone. These coat the strands with a thin film, creating fuller hair that doesn't look greasy. The silicone stays put even after you rinse.

Eat Fish and Nuts for Healthy Hair

The same nutritious foods that are good for your body promote stronger, healthier hair. The protein and omega-3 fatty acids in salmon and nuts produce a healthier scalp. Nutrients found in leafy vegetables, beans, and carrots are also good for your hair. Beware of fad diets aimed at quick weight loss. Deficiency of some nutrients, such as zinc, biotin, or protein, can lead to brittle hair or hair loss.

Protect Shine with Lukewarm Water

Hot water can strip the scalp of sebum, which is the protective oil that acts as a natural conditioner and gives hair its shine. This doesn't mean you have to suffer through cold showers to avoid dull hair. Instead, use lukewarm water to wash your hair. Pamper the scalp by massaging it while you shampoo.

Mend Split Ends with Protein

Frequent hair styling, coloring, bleaching, or perming can damage hair's protective outer layer, known as the cuticle. The result is what we call "split ends." Thankfully, there are hair products to help mend the damage. Look for conditioners that contain protein. They actually penetrate the hair shaft and repair split ends. The fix only lasts until the next shampoo, so you'll need to use it regularly.

Get that 'Redhead Bounce

'The fullness of your hair is in your genes – and your styling technique. Natural redheads have thicker hair, while blondes have the thinnest but greatest number of hairs. Luckily, you can enhance your hair's volume whatever its color. Use a leave-in conditioner or mousse and dry the root area first. If your hair is very fine, use a low-heat setting when drying, curling, or straightening.

Don't Treat Dandruff with Oils

Dandruff isn't caused by a dry scalp, but by an inflammatory process that affects the scalp. Rubbing oil into the scalp can make the inflammation worse, resulting in more unsightly white flakes. That's why medicated shampoos – either over-the-counter or from a dermatologist – can best treat dandruff. Just be sure to rinse thoroughly after using medicated shampoo.

Skip High-Powered Blow Dryers

You might expect a blow dryer with higher wattage to slice a few precious minutes off your styling routine. But in a comparison of blow dryers, Consumer Reports found they all dried hair in about the same amount of time. Some are much noisier than others, though. The consumer research group found the more expensive dryers were the quietest, and the noisiest were as loud as a lawn mower.

Brush Less to Limit Hair Loss

Don't believe that myth about 100 brush strokes a day. Too much brushing will snap off hairs. Some hair loss is normal – most people lose an average of 50 to 100 hairs every day. These are hairs that have stopped growing and have reached the resting stage. To minimize additional hair loss, use a brush with ball-tipped bristles and avoid brushing while the hair is wet.

Avoid Styles that Damage Hair

Tight ponytails and braids can break off hair and damage the hair follicle. Continuous pulling can even lead to hair loss. Extensions add weight to the hair and also put pressure on the follicle. Dermatologists recommend wearing extensions for no more than three months. Also, be aware that wet hair is more fragile, so you shouldn't put your hair in braids or a ponytail while it's wet.

Don't Let Brands Clean Your Wallet

What are you really getting for extra money spent on specialty products? They may contain natural botanicals, but that may not mean better style. Consumer Reports tested products on 1,700 ponytail samples and found that the more expensive shampoos didn't perform better than cheaper ones. What is important: Choose shampoos and conditioners designed for your hair type, such as those for oily, fine, or color-treated hair.

Use Gentle Colour to Cover Gray

Hair doesn't only go gray as we get older – it also becomes weaker and grows more slowly. That means damaged hair won't be snipped off as quickly by haircuts. Chemicals used on "mature" hair should be weaker to avoid damage.

Neutralize Frizz in Winter, Too

Humidity gets the rap for causing frizzy bad hair days. But there's more static electricity in low humidity. This means frizz also flies in winter months and in the desert climates of the South west  Use conditioner to neutralize the static electricity. Shampoos that are pH-balanced also can calm the frizz of chemically treated hair.

Keep Brushes Away from Your Curls

Curly hair is more likely to break and become dry and brittle. Gently using a pick keeps curls looking better than combing or brushing. Conditioners with polymers such as polyvinylpyrrolidone can smooth hair and make it more manageable. Don't overdo the use of flat-irons and relaxes, which can damage hair.

Avoid Extreme Colour Changes

Perhaps you're a brunette who always wanted to be a blonde, or a blonde who wants to go darker. Be aware that you're risking damage to your hair with more extreme colour changes. Some dermatologists recommend staying within three shades of your natural colour.

Get the Facts About Hair Dye

Frequent dying can damage the hair, but it does not appear to harm your health. Most studies indicate no link between cancer and hair dyes, and in other studies the evidence is weak, the American Cancer Society says. The greatest concerns were raised about semi-permanent and oxidative permanent dyes that are dark brown or black. Consider using natural dyes such as henna.

Give the Blow Dryer a Rest

Frequent blow-drying is hard on your hair and can actually lead to hair loss. When you do blow dry, turn down the heat. Finer hair is especially sensitive to damage from heat, but even thick manes need some tender care. Protect your hair before styling by using a conditioner.

Protect Hair from the Sun

The sun is no kinder to your hair than it is to your skin. Sun exposure can dry out hair, especially if it's colour treated. Use a light hair spray with SPF protection – or wear a hat when the sun is strongest. Frequent summer trims can keep your ends looking healthy.

Shower Before You Swim

Avoid chlorine damage by rinsing your hair before entering the pool. If your hair is already saturated with water, it won't absorb as much from the chemical-laden pool. Use a pH-balancing hair product to further protect your hair.

Take a Time Out from Styling

For better hair days, the best thing you can do is – nothing. All the tugging, combing, brushing, drying, and chemically treating of hair damages the shafts. Even vigorous towel-drying can damage hair. If you have damaged hair, take a break from styling. As the damaged hair grows out, the new growth will be healthy.

Be Aware of Changes in Your Hair

Sudden changes in your hair, such as brittle hair or hair loss, could be a sign of a health problem. For example, hair loss can be caused by thyroid disease, iron deficiency, or an autoimmune disease. Some medications can cause hair loss, too. If you have a concern about changes in the condition of your hair, see a dermatologist.

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